
Hello! I'm a passionate software developer based in Paraguay. My name is Manuel Ortigoza, and my journey in the programming world has been shaped by a diverse range of challenges and a constant quest for new experiences. My multifaceted approach not only involves problem-solving but also the creation of innovative solutions. I'm here to share my excitement for technology and my commitment to continuous learning.

  • Me just chillin' with my mate 🧉.

  • Conducting a workshop on backend and databases for a bootcamp.

  • Photo with the winning team that I led in a hackathon.

  • Struggling to fix a bug in prod, that day was hard lol.


Software Developer (2022 - Present)

Flutter - Node - Typescript - Svelte - React - Next.JS - Express - MongoDB - PostgreSQL - Firebase - AWS - Docker - TailwindCSS

Programming Coach

Python - Flask - SQLAlchemy - HTML - CSS - Javascript - Leadership - Teamwork

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